On Demand IT Support from NearU Helpdesk!

HELP Center FAQs

How Can I change my password self service?

Navigate to outlook.office365.com. Under password entry field select “forgot my password” This will have you verify your 2FA method and reset your password. If you need your 2FA reset you will need to contact the helpdesk and verify who you are before the helpdesk will reset your 2FA.

How do I order new hardware?

For New Hardware request for site. Please navigate to the Hardware Request tab on the NearU IT helpdesk. Complete this form with as much detail as possible. This will route to the IT Director for approval. Once approved it will notify you as the submitter and send an email into the IT helpdesk to order the equipment.

How do I access Cyber Security Training?

Navigate to https://training.knowbe4.com/ui/login and login in with your office 365 account. If you need assistance please contact the IT helpdesk.

How do I setup a new hire user?

For New Hire request for site. Please Navigate to the New Hire IT Request. This is for new employees only. This will route to the helpdesk for a user to be created. It will also start the process of a computer being ordered for the new user or assigned it we have viable computers in inventory. A ticket will be created that will send to the requesting manager. This ticket can be follow through the lifecycle utilizing the ticket number with a phone call or logging into the Helpdesk Ticket portal. There will also be a tracking label when available added to the corresponding ticket.

How do I create a new SharePoint/Teams site?

New Teams/SharePoint Sites need to be approved by the IT department. If you need a new team created. Please contact the IT department and we will help you decide if creating a team or SharePoint site is the appropriate thing to do for your request.

How do I order a new cell phone?

We currently have a national agreement with Granite Mobile for ordering mobile devices. However, not all sites are on the Granite platform. If you need to order a new cell phone or new tablet. Please Submit and IT helpdesk ticket. And you will be contacted with how we will proceed with your site.